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Dennis Calero Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 18 June 2006 Posts: 504
Posted: 06 July 2007 at 4:25pm | IP Logged | 1
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Can you see the one that doesn't belong?
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Ray Brady Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 06 July 2007 at 5:45pm | IP Logged | 2
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| has about a dozen in stock. Just do a search for "Marvel figurine".
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Steve Gumm Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 06 July 2007 at 9:19pm | IP Logged | 3
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I just got mine today at a small comic shop. I managed to pick up some pretty cool ones: Thing, Magneto, Spider-man and Wolverine. They were $11.99 and the store knocked off 10% since I was buying four. After opening them up, I'm hooked, I'll have to swing by later on this week and pick up the Green Goblin and the Angel. They are unbelievably detailed and look awesome!! For some strange reason I really like the fact they are metal and not plastic. Thor, Daredevil, Electra and the Vison are the next on my wish list.
Edited by Steve Gumm on 06 July 2007 at 9:20pm
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Dave Pruitt Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 07 July 2007 at 11:21am | IP Logged | 4
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Wow, for being so small, those are amazingly detailed.
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Dave Pruitt Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 07 July 2007 at 11:50am | IP Logged | 5
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I see. Those littleuns are very nicely done though.
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Michael Hogan Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 07 July 2007 at 2:48pm | IP Logged | 6
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I picked up the Thing this afternoon. I might be getting sucked in...willingly, of course, but still sucked in.
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Robert White Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 07 July 2007 at 4:29pm | IP Logged | 7
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I'm looking to get several of these excellent figures. I have a problem with the exclusive Hulk, though. I just don't like the design. I did notice that the Hulk shown in the back of the display stand looks different. Are there other Hulk figures?
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Steve Gumm Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 07 July 2007 at 5:01pm | IP Logged | 8
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Like a true addict, I picked up the Angel on my way back from work! The Green Goblin is my next target at the store, I'll try to hold off on picking it up until Friday. I have self control, but not much!
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 08 July 2007 at 4:40am | IP Logged | 9
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So there's a Dark Phoenix variant? Hm! Since the days of the Super Powers action figures I have displayed models like this in alphabetical order, reading left to right. (It's always fun to watch how long it takes people to figure this out. "Why isn't Robin standing next to Batman?" "Why is Aquaman first in line?") With these new figurines I'm doing the same, only in two rows, with the bad guys standing at the back. Assuming I can eventually obtain a Dark Phoenix, I wonder how close she'll end up to her "former self".(An odd little juxtaposition in the current arrangement, Phoenix is standing in front of Loki, so the yellow and green costumed characters are adjacent.)
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Steve Reaper Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 130
Posted: 08 July 2007 at 4:49am | IP Logged | 10
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It is funny the different methods folk employ to show these. We started a little fun competition to see if we could come up with a way of setting the series out so each character had a connection with the ones on either side. Not as easy as it sounds !
Her's what we achieved so far:
BLADE - To start the Chain Gang Game GHOST RIDER - ally of BLADE and the Midnight Sons against Lilith MEPHISTO - Tormentor of GHOST RIDER SILVER SURFER-Mephisto 1st appeared in Silver Surfer comic. THANOS-Main Silver Surfer Tormentor IRON MAN - 1st appearance of THANOS in Vol. 1 Issue #55 CAPTAIN AMERICA - Ironman, as Tony Stark provided Cap A with stronger replacement shields. HULK - Was a fellow Avenger with Captain America WOLVERINE - 1st apprearance in HULK Vol. 1 #181 SPIDERMAN - Was both once members of the Fantastic Four SANDMAN - Spideys arch rival at times. GREEN GOBLIN - were both in Sinister Six BULLSEYE- Was in THUNDERBOLTS lead by GG VENOM - a current teammate of BULLSEYE on the Thunderbolts LIZARD - in Sinister 12 together DOC OCK-was in the sinister 6 of the civil war with lizard! BLACK CAT - Bit of a serious wupping at the hands of Doc Ock IRON FIST- Has teamed up with black cat in the past DAREDEVIL - Iron Fist disguised himself as DD to throw people off DD's true identity BLACK WIDOW - Her and Matt were lovers MS MARVEL-Is in Iron Man's mighty avengers, with black widow. ROGUE- Stole Ms. Marvels powers. POLARIS - Rouge stole both Poalris' and Havok when X-Men fight and apparently defeat a herd of Golgotha in space. MAGNETO-Is the father of Polaris KITTY PRIDE - Struck down by Magneto, leading to him remorsefully giving up his attempts at world domination COLOSSUS-Dating Kitty pride NIGHCRAWLER - Colossus opened the gates to Hell to rescue Nightcrawler CAPT BRITAIN-Was in the Excalibur with nightcrawler PSYLOCKE-Cap Bs better looking sister ANGEL-Had a relationship with Psylocke for a long time Before Thunderbird III ruined it. APOCALYPSE - turned ANGEL into Archangel during his stint in X-Factor Vol. 1 MISTER SINISTER - created by Apocalypse in Victorian Britain GAMBIT- With the aid of Mr Sinister was able to transport himself back to present day from Victorian England MR FANTASTIC - Gambit stole the ego protocol's that allowed mr fantastic to transfer the ego spore into quasar in maximum security DOC DOOM - 'nuff said THOR- It was Thor's hammer that fell through to Hell allowing Doom to escape. WASP - Founding Avenger with Thor. BLACK PANTHER - Wasp discovered BP in HPs lab, HP lops her head off, BP escapes with it (marvel zombies) LUKE CAGE - Teamed up with BP to fight vampires in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina THING- Temporarily replaced by Luke Cage in FF when Ben lost his powers. STORM - Tempory replaced Sue Storm to join the FF along with Thing, BP and HT CYCLOPS - Lost to Storm to become leader of Gold team. EMMA FROST - Romantically linked to Cyclops PHOENIX - Left Emma comatose Professor X - Xavier briefly possessed a fraction of the Phoenix Force during his time with the Starjammers DOC STRANGE - Fellow illuminati member NAMOR - Fellow Defender INVISIBLE WOMAN - Namor has a thing for her MEDUSA - Took over as a member of the FF BLACK BOLT - Married to Medusa ULTRON - Has fought BB and the Inhumns several times VISION - created by ULTRON SCARLET WITCH - Married Vision HAWKEYE - Member of the Avengers with SW QUICKSILVER - Debuted on same Avengers roster as Hawkeye SENTINEL - Injured Quicksilver THE FALCON - fought the Sentinals RED SKULL - created the Falcon NICK FURY - enemy of Red Skull PUNISHER - Once believed NF was responsible for killing his family BEAST - Fought alongside Punisher with the rest of the X-Men WONDER MAN - Best friend of Hank McCoy KANG - revived Wonder Man once HUMAN TORCH - Travelled back in time with THING to stop kang taking over Camelot! GALACTUS - Made Johnny his Herald when he swapped powers with Sue. SUPER-SKRULL - Galactus consumed the Skrull homeworld CAPTAIN MARVEL - Kidnapped by Super-Skrull in the Kree-Skrull War YELLOWJACKET - Hank Pym, Reed Richards & Tony Stark created a rift in the negative zone which brought back Captain Marvel to the presant day! LOKI - His machinations brought about the formation of the original Avengers, which included Hank Pym ICEMAN - Loki messed with his powers and amplified them. MYSTIQUE-She shared a passionate kiss with iceman CABLE - Recently served with Mystique on Rogues X-Team DEADPOOL -member of SIX-PACK as was CABLE JUGGERNAUT - He and Deadpool fought in an encounter involving Banshee and Black Tom. SHE-HULK - was shown in bed with Juggernaut in an X-Men comic. Thankfully this terrible bit of characterisation was ret-conned out in Shulkie's own book. ;) RHINO - Was persuaded by She Hulk to seek a fair trial for a crime he didnt comit! MYSTERIO - A member of the inciseous six as per the Spiderman cartoon. KRAVEN-Original member of Sinister Six with Mysterio VULTURE - Also a member of the Sinister Six........ ELECTRO - Another member of the original Sinister Six. SPIDER-WOMAN - Was present during the breakout on the raft which was caused by Electro NOVA-Early member of Secret Defenders as was Spider Woman (II Julia Carpenter) WARLOCK - Also a cosmically powerful being from Earth. HERCULES - Warlock fights the Avengers, including Hercules hand-to-hand in the pages of Warlock & The Infinity Watch VALKYRIE- former Avengers member as was Hercules DORMAMMU - Along with Loki, the villains behind the Avengers/Defenders War (Valkyrie was a member of the Defenders at the time) CARNAGE - Dormammus idea to bond the symbiote to Cletus in the Spider-Man animated series.
So that is as far as we got, just need to fit the following into the list :)
Feel free to have a go :)
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134005
Posted: 08 July 2007 at 4:53am | IP Logged | 11
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We started a little fun competition to see if we could come up with a way of setting the series out so each character had a connection with the ones on either side.••• Map makers play a vaguely similar game, trying to determine the least number of colors that can be used on a map without adjacent countries being the same hue. (I think it's four.) A version that might keep everybody guessing would be to play that game where one person says a word and the next has to say a work that begins with the last letter of the previous word. I wonder how far I could get lining up the figurines like that.
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Steve Reaper Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 130
Posted: 08 July 2007 at 5:00am | IP Logged | 12
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Word chains can work if you know the list of words to start with (which we do) then you list all the potential starting and ending letter groups and solve it mathematically. as for map making and planning, I think you are correct at 4 if you accept that borders which meet at a point can have the same colour.
All too technical for me:(

Edited by Steve Reaper on 08 July 2007 at 6:22am
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