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Jeremiah Avery Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 27 December 2008 Location: United States Posts: 2431
Posted: 08 January 2011 at 11:02pm | IP Logged | 1
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I finished reading "The Great Gatsby" and I put Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" in my backpack to read on the train coming home from work during the week. I figure I'll switch to reading some contemporary books afterward.
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Josh Goldberg Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 08 January 2011 at 11:07pm | IP Logged | 2
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THE LONG EMERGENCY by James Howard Kuntsler. As much as I absolutely love his WORLD MADE BY HAND series, I sure hope his dire post-peak-oil predictions are wrong.
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David Ferguson Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 09 January 2011 at 7:05am | IP Logged | 3
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THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE by Philip K. Dick. Read DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP last summer and it was a page turner for me. I was in a book shop with a friend and mentioned that I wanted another book by the same author. He had been given this by a friend and gave me the basic premise. Alternate reality? I bought it straight away.
THE LIVES AND TIMES OF THE GREAT COMPOSERS by Michael Steen. Have been trying to get into classical music for a while so I decided to read about the people behind the music. This has a lot of them in the same book. It goes into detail and has some interesting titbits too. Read the chapter on Tchaikovsky last night. Very interesting. Will be dipping in and out of this one I think. Wagner next probably.
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Dennis Maloney Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 09 January 2011 at 9:21am | IP Logged | 4
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I've been working my way through the last 5 of the Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes series by Laurie King. I just finished the 9th book and am about to start the 10th (most recent) book. It's a great series that keeps getting better with each book. I highly recommend it. I'm also working through 'Running Through Corridors' by Rob Shearman and Toby Hadoke. They spent all of 2009 watching or listening to 2 episodes a day of the original series of Doctor Who and then recording their comments. It's a fun book, not as critical as the 'About Time' series. They're watching from a fan perspective and having fun with it.
Edited by Dennis Maloney on 09 January 2011 at 3:34pm
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Dennis Maloney Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 09 January 2011 at 9:24am | IP Logged | 5
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JB, I enjoyed Palin's Python diaries. I'm hoping he'll do another based on his travels, although he did write books for all of them based in part on his diaries so it probably won't happen.
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Michael Arndt Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 26 April 2004 Posts: 8569
Posted: 09 January 2011 at 10:53am | IP Logged | 6
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Picked up Bloody Crimes by James Swanson yesterday. Will start on that after finishing two other books I am reading.
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Jesus Garcia Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 10 January 2011 at 10:09am | IP Logged | 7
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The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym.
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Phil Kreisel Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 03 February 2006 Location: Canada Posts: 1911
Posted: 10 January 2011 at 10:11pm | IP Logged | 8
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Columbine by Dave Cullen. A non-fiction blow by blow of the event and the aftermath.
Waiting in the cue - My Life (Keith Richards), Up until Now (William Shatner) and a variety of director books (I'm about to direct a one act that I've written).
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Michael Tortorice Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 15 November 2008 Location: United States Posts: 2903
Posted: 10 January 2011 at 10:48pm | IP Logged | 9
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Just finished "A Princess of Mars", just starting "The Gods of Mars".
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Greg Reeves Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 06 February 2006 Location: United States Posts: 1396
Posted: 10 January 2011 at 11:52pm | IP Logged | 10
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I'm reading the third Gears of War book (Anvil Gate) by Karen Traviss. You might think novels based on a video game wouldn't be very good, but these are terrific. I'm also knocking out Andrew Vacchs' Burke novels; I'm about halfway through the series.
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Wayne K Purdy Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 07 August 2008 Location: Canada Posts: 844
Posted: 11 January 2011 at 2:20am | IP Logged | 11
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I just bought Band of Brothers, so it's next in the hopper. It's been on my list for a long time but I never got around to it. Winter's death finally motivated to finallly get to it.
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Kevin Hagerman Byrne Robotics Member
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Posted: 11 January 2011 at 3:03am | IP Logged | 12
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I loved Columbine the first time I read it, then I tried to re-read and it soured on me. Odd. So I recommend it - once!
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