Posted: 05 January 2015 at 11:15am | IP Logged | 8
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Might as well run the "Epilog" as two pages, since there's not much "action"......
PAGE TWENTY-ONE PANEL ONE 1 CAPTION: Rowayton, Connecticut 2 BUTLER (from house): I’m SORRY, sir, but Miss Carter is not HOME to VISITORS. 3 GOWER (from house): Look, I KNOW she’s here… 4 GOWER (ditto): And we’ve been trying to REACH her for WEEKS… PANEL TWO 5 BUTLER: I am SORRY you were INCONVENIENCED, sir, but… 6 CYNTHIA: That’s all right, Collins. 7 CYNTHIA: I’ll SEE this gentleman. PANEL THREE 8 GOWER: “Gentleman”. A PROMOTION! 9 GOWER: Nice little SHACK you got here, Princess. Is the MONEY all YOURS, or… 10 CYNTHIA: I’m not in the MOOD for CHIT CHAT, Gower. 11 CYNTHIA: Come into the drawing room. PANEL FOUR 12 CYNTHIA: …and as I have told Mrs Smith a DOZEN times, I am NOT coming back. 13 CYNTHIA: My… POWERS compelled that little boy to DESTROY himself and his mother. 14 CYNTHIA: How can I ever come back after THAT? 15 GOWER: How about if I tell you YOU didn’t destroy ANYBODY? PANEL FIVE 16 CYNTHIA: What?? 17 CYNTHIA: What are you SAYING? I SAW them… 
PAGE TWENTY-TWO PANEL ONE 1 GOWER: Oh, you saw them BLOW UP, sure. But you didn’t CAUSE it. 2 GOWER: You were directing your POWER at the kid -- and HE wasn’t the one that made things EXPLODE. 3 GOWER: It took a while, but the BOSSES finally got the whole story out of Mrs. Salter. 4 GOWER: Seems when Ester was just a girl… THINGS started HAPPENING. PANEL TWO 5 CAPTION: “When she was FIVE, a SCHOOL BULLY suffered an ANEURISM on the playground. PANEL THREE 6 CAPTION: “Later, a TEACHER she didn’t like had a MASSIVE HEART ATTACK in class. PANEL FOUR 7 CAPTION: “And when Malcolm was just WEEKS old, his father… disappeared. PANEL FIVE 8 GOWER: Now we KNOW what HAPPENED to him. 9 GOWER: See, it was ESTER who had the power. Malcolm was just a FOCUS. Somehow he BOOSTED it, without knowing it himself. 10 CYNTHIA: That’s… incredible. PANEL SIX 11 CYNTHIA: But… 12 CYNTHIA: How did Ester escape DETECTION up till now? 13 GOWER: The early cases were UNDETECTABLE. 14 GOWER: And she and Malcolm’s father were on the BEACH at CONEY ISLAND when she DID AWAY with him. 15 GOWER: No WITNESSES, and the TIDE washed away the EVIDENCE. PANEL SEVEN 16 GOWER: I guess we were just LUCKY there were no OTHER cases. 17 GOWER: But, c’mon, princess! Whaddaya say? 18 GOWER: I think me an’ you make a pretty good TEAM. 19 GOWER: Come back to WORK! 20 CYNTHIA: On ONE condition. PANEL EIGHT 21 CYNTHIA: PLEASE stop calling me “princess”! 22 CAPTION: Next: 1985