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Topic: The Inconsisties Inevitable In A Comic Book Universe Locked Post Reply | Post New Topic
Jeffrey Rice
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Posted: 16 December 2013 at 9:13pm | IP Logged | 1  

The Thing is just a better fighter than most. As a boxing fan, heart may sound a lot like "clutch" in baseball, but if you have ever seen a really great fighter, that is what I see Ben having over stronger opponents.
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Bill Guerra
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Posted: 16 December 2013 at 10:14pm | IP Logged | 2  

I thought it's been established over the course of the years that the Thing knows how to box and also knows judo? Unlike most of the usual strong guy brawlers, the Thing actually knows how to fight.
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Brian Hague
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 2:55am | IP Logged | 3  

Rob Van Gessel wrote: "Um - you do know a play on words when you see it, right?"

"Serious right hand" is a turn of phrase and not a play on words, and you are inches away from my ignore list.


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Rob Van Gessel
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 5:41am | IP Logged | 4  

""Serious right hand" is a turn of phrase and not a play on words..."

This is true, and I didn't mean to come off like a dweeb.
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Brian Hague
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 6:54pm | IP Logged | 5  

No problem. I get thin-skinned when I'm not sleeping...

Regarding Namor, I wonder if there isn't some sort of retrofitting that could be done to establish him as a Magneto-style mutant whose connection to the planet's oceans make him a cosmic-level heavy hitter. I'm not usually a fan of such things, but we have seen the guy going toe-to-toe with Asgardian and Olympian Gods...

And hey, if the Impossible Man can now alter reality itself... :-)

Edited by Brian Hague on 17 December 2013 at 6:58pm
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Wallace Sellars
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 7:19pm | IP Logged | 6  

I can't say I care for that idea, Brian. I think the Sub-Mariner is powerful
enough without fiddling around with abilities. Namor is incredibly strong,
has tough skin and can fly. He can communicate with (and command) most
underwater creatures, and possesses the abilities of some sea creatures as
well. The Sub-Mariner is such a formidable opponent that he has fought the
Fantastic Four to a standstill and more than once defeated the Hulk in single
combat. Oh, and all of the undersea monarch's abilities are explained by a
fairly simple and straightforward origin.

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Rob Van Gessel
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 7:21pm | IP Logged | 7  

"the Impossible Man can now alter reality itself"

I wish he'd at least come and alter MY reality!
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Brian Hague
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 7:53pm | IP Logged | 8  

I agree, Wallace, believe me, but there's all this continuity and fan service that must be tended to if we don't want the guy to simply be viewed as some half-Spock, half-Aquaman lame-oid from the Golden Age...

And we technically wouldn't have to alter any of his abilities. We'd just have someone walk onstage and explain to us all how truly vast and unlimited they are in comparision with what we've seen to date. Have Namor take out a Herald or two... Romance Infinity... Summon Giganto to take out Thanos and have Giganto win...

After all, if we want the benefits of a shared universe, we have to pay the toll and keep these guys in the game...

I kind of wish I were kidding about this more than I am... :-(

And Rob, do you really want to live in a world of hyperactive, self-involved green balloons with faces on them? Who turn into buzzsaws and pterodactyls? Who can reference the Old Man of the Sea from Arabic folklore despite only having just arrived here from their home planet? Why, just the popping sounds alone would drive one insane!

Edited by Brian Hague on 17 December 2013 at 7:58pm
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Rob Van Gessel
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 8:45pm | IP Logged | 9  

Any doubt about Namor at his aquatic peak, Herb Trimpe did a real number here. It's at least the second time Sub-Mariner took out the Hulk, although thanks to Trimpe's style this one is a wowser:

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Rick Senger
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 9:08pm | IP Logged | 10  

Rob, I've never been a huge Trimpe fan, but that Hulk issue (#118) features my favorite art by him.  Pretty epic from start to finish; love the splash page (which I'd post but I can't find it online) and the whole battle was great fun for my 9 year old eyes to see!

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Wallace Sellars
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 9:14pm | IP Logged | 11  

Those issues are part of the reason I like the Sub-Mariner so much.
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Robert Bradley
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Posted: 17 December 2013 at 9:58pm | IP Logged | 12  

I love that issue too.

Trimpe's inks in that issue had a real John Severin vibe to them.

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