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Paul Gibney
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 6:18pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Can someone tell me if my understanding is correct? If they impeach
Trump, he cannot pardon himself for those crimes for which he is being
impeached. That would include those crimes even if the Senate were to
acquit him. In that case could criminal charges then be brought, as I
don’t believe double jeopardy would apply?
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David Allen Perrin
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 6:22pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I hope folks realize that Donald Trump (with help from any number of officials and willing participants) tried to take over the country Wednesday.  

Based on what’s been revealed: Rudy Giuliani left a voicemail for Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville asking him to object to 10 states during the electoral procedure.  But he screwed up and called a different Senator whose name has not been revealed.   He wanted Tuberville to delay the proceedings supposedly to give Rudy time to present evidence of “voter fraud”.  But we all know there is no evidence.  So why ask a Senator to delay the process longer than had already been agreed?   Each state objection requires a 2 hour break for deliberation!   Objecting to 10 states would have delayed the proceedings well into the night!

I think what was supposed to happen was the joint session was supposed to be caught by surprise by the rush of the crowd into the Capitol.  Remember how easily they got in?   

Specially trained and armed people mixed in with the rubes were supposed to capture and detain key figures.  Remember seeing the pics of the guys in paramilitary gear and a belt full of nylon wrist ties?  Those guys are probably trained insurgents.  They were supposed to get in there and do some real damage. But something went wrong. The Capitol security got the legislators out sooner than they had planned!  And all that was left to do was to ransack offices and piss and shit all over the place (to cover up the real goal of the invasion). 

Trump tried to take over this country!
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Charles Valderrama
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 6:46pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Twitch & Snapchat (his accts have been disabled), Shopify (online stores affiliated with Trump have been removed), Facebook & Instagram (Trump was banned from posting 'indefinitely & for at least the next two weeks'), plus YouTube....TikTok is also 'removing content violations and redirecting hashtags like #stormthecapitol and  #patriotparty to its community guidelines.'

Apple has given Parler an ultimatum to implement a full moderation plan of its platform within the next 24 hours or face expulsion from the App store. 

Of course this should've happened a long time ago.

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David Miller
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 6:53pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

This year was the first time I have ever sat through an electoral college certification, and the only way I will ever do so again is if there's a trailer for a Marvel movie waiting for me at the end.

Something that struck me, though, was while the certification is a formality and nobody had any real legal authority to throw the outcome, if the worse had happened and insurrectionists dragged congressional Democrats to the rotunda for an improvised extrajudicial execution, while a rump of Republicans blandly recited their alternative votes from Bizarro-world, it would not have looked any different, and Trump could have gotten away with a coup.

EDIT: One letter.

Edited by David Miller on 08 January 2021 at 7:25pm
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Neil Lindholm
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 7:06pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

David Allen Perrin, that smells like a conspiracy theory, something we have already had way too much of.

Edited by Neil Lindholm on 08 January 2021 at 7:22pm
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James Johnson
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 7:15pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

@ Neal

Which David?
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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 7:57pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

The American narrative has always needed a bad guy. We had Hitler. We had the Soviets. When the Cold War was done, we invented one in Manuel Noriega. Then Saddam Hussein. Gadaffi. Some of these guys, like Osama bin Laden, were genuine, avowed enemies of the United States. Others were indeed very evil, but just wanted to be left alone. It occurs to me that Donald Trump is the new Dr. Evil of the American narrative. The media has been telling us this for four straight years. With the invasion of the capitol his followers have become the new Al Queda. And social media is now treating them as they would terrorists, shutting down accounts and phone apps. 

Edited by Joe Zhang on 08 January 2021 at 7:58pm
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Fred J Chamberlain
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 8:14pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

...or it could be as simple as paying attention to over 50 decades of
very consistent and public behavior, that has indicated he is a self-
focused, cruel sick, who made his way through life, with very little self
discipline or insight, because he’s never understood real, truly
devastating natural consequences. His family’s money is and always
has been his greatest strength. He is a weak-minded and weak-willed
man. He is not a victim. That is not media slant. That is a lifetime of
observable behavior.
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David Miller
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 8:15pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

I wouldn't put the conspiracy past them, if Trump or his team in any way had their act together. But they are slightly less competent than the Christian Bale-Jeffrey Wright team-up in the 2000 SHAFT remake.

I could definitely imaging Rudy saying the wrong thing around some Paul Walter Hauser figure in his orbit who happens to keep zip ties in his trunk. There were a lot of people like that in DC the other day.
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Fred J Chamberlain
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 8:15pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Sorry. It could be as simple as..... he’s a dick.
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Joe Zhang
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 8:28pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

A lot of people felt similarly about Osama bin Laden. There was not a shred of good in that man. We wanted to beat him and his minions to a pulp, and then some. But this time it's different. We can't just devastate them where they live, declare victory, and walk away. They are our neighbors. They are us. 
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James Woodcock
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Posted: 09 January 2021 at 2:33am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

What we saw this week, is the reality of all those movies such as White
House Down, where we see an invasion of the government with the
aim of a coup.

It’s not as pretty in reality is it?

But the movies got one thing wrong. It was not a group trying to remove
the President, it was the President refusing to let go.

That he & his thug were phoning senators about objecting while the
Capitol was being invaded is incredulous.

Many people, myself included, on this forum, have compared him to a
Bond villain. I still see that. We are in reel 6 & the villain is getting more
& more insane with his tactics.
To the point where the audience have their capacity to accept the plot
any more tested to the nth degree. & yet, here we are in the real world.

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