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Topic: X-MEN.ELSEWHEN.11--Comments Post Reply | Post New Topic
Steve Adelson
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 9:26am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

I love the panel of Scott just using the sunglasses/eyelids to control his power.  I'm trying to think if I've seen that before....
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Jeffrey Rice
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 9:26am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Does squinting work? Interesting thought. Either way, wow, those beams look powerful in the last panel!

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John Byrne

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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 9:47am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

I love the panel of Scott just using the sunglasses/eyelids to control his power. I'm trying to think if I've seen that before....


Dave did it at least once.

And as to how he controls the beams, squinting would do the trick!

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John Byrne

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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 10:34am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Small Note: Yesterday I was ruminating on some of my plans for future issues when the ground dropped out from under me. I had FORGOTTEN something. Something VERY important.

And since the point of ELSEWHEN is to diverge from one key point whilst remaining faithful to what had gone before, I suddenly saw a whole pile of plotting turn to liquid and wash away!

Who ever said this job was easy??

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Peter Martin
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 11:30am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

So I'm now wondering if Colossus' leg is now fixed? Or another does a different f word apply?

Either way, love the look on Colossus's face as he is hoisted in the air -- and always admire the way you draw Colossus' hands, musculature and the belt buckle.

Also good to have Cyclops leaping into his role as leader.
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Steven Queen
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 11:38am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

JB wrote: Who ever said this job was easy??

Of course not! Honed skill and unobserved hours of sweat just makes it look easy.
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Mark McKay
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 12:07pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

And since the point of ELSEWHEN is to diverge from one key point whilst remaining faithful to what had gone before, I suddenly saw a whole pile of plotting turn to liquid and wash away!


How often does this sort of thing happen? I picture hundreds of stories in your head that you've had to just give up on.
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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 12:35pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

Does Colossus heal or age in his metal form? I can imagine being reluctant to change back if it's as painful as it looks right now.
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Tim O Neill
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 12:53pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Nathan: "Not an easy situation for Jean’s mother, that’s for sure! She feels the
X-Men have lied to her — and that they are responsible for Jean’s mental
condition. She also feels the X-Men are responsible for destroying her home.
I’m guessing the poor woman must have zero trust in the X-Men at this point. It
(possibly) sets the stage for some HIGH tension! "


I agree that there is potential for tension and it could boil over again, but I
don't think we've seen enough of what is happening with her parents to
definitively say how they made the decision to go to the mansion. Mrs. Grey
goes off on the team as they arrive while her daughter is missing - that's the
height of tension for her as she doesn't know if her daughter is even alive. It
makes sense she would lose it in the moment and she would blame them.

I don't agree that their house being destroyed would make her even angrier.
The Greys saw the attack and saw the X-Men fight them off. If the X-Men
weren't there, the Sentinel would likely have killed the Greys. The house is
gone, but they are all alive - her perspective would change with such a big a
event, and she might have been relieved just to have her family survive such a
traumatic event. There is nothing like a brush with death to give us

We also know her husband doesn't agree with her - they are divided on the X-
Men. Her anger is at a moment of high emotion, but the reality is that Jean has
a LONG history with the X-Men and there were clearly high points that helped
her. The Greys have a long and complex relationship with Xavier's school.
When Jean is found, they very well may have had a debate about where to go
for help, but I bet it was a short discussion - taking her to the X-Men would be
their only option. Reed Richards is brilliant, but Xavier is the authority on
mutant research. They have the facilities to do this to the point that Reed
would defer to Xavier's team.

And on top of that, Jean probably insisted on going there. While Jean is still
childlike, Scott seems to be the one she mainly trusts, so she is most
comfortable sticking to him like glue. You're not going to tear her away from
Scott without causing further trauma to what is effectively a child's mind.

For me, Mrs. Grey's reaction fits into how mutants are perceived in the Marvel
Universe by civilians. In this world, they are looked upon with fear and scorn,
until they save people's lives. Mrs. Grey is echoing those feelings of fear and
scorn at her lowest moments. The fact that her daughter is a mutant and she
would go off like that speaks to their longtime relationship and complex
feelings. They probably just want their daughter to be normal, and that is the
internal and external conflict that each mutant faces.

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Robbie Moubert
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 3:38pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Great post Tim!
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Joel Tesch
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 9:54pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Tim: "When Jean is found, they very well may have had a debate about where to go for help, but I bet it was a short discussion - taking her to the X-Men would be their only option."


When would they have had any debate? The Greys didn't take her to the X-Men. When Jean was found, she was found by Cyclops and Wolverine. So of course those two would have taken her back to the mansion given her startling condition. Presumably they then alerted the Greys to what was going on with her and had them come over to the mansion.   

Edited by Joel Tesch on 20 May 2020 at 9:55pm
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Nathan Greno
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Posted: 20 May 2020 at 11:45pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Hi Tim!

I very much appreciate hearing your opinions! 

Here's a few thoughts I had...

Tim: I agree that there is potential for tension and it could boil over again, but I 
don't think we've seen enough of what is happening with her parents to 
definitively say how they made the decision to go to the mansion. Mrs. Grey 
goes off on the team as they arrive while her daughter is missing - that's the 
height of tension for her as she doesn't know if her daughter is even alive. It 
makes sense she would lose it in the moment and she would blame them.
Me: Yeah, everything I posted is in reaction to what we've seen so far. The  building tension in Elaine is very believable and understandable -- that's why I was shocked to see her at the mansion (and not trying to pull her daughter out of there). It's a major emotional shift from the build we've been watching. Obviously, there's no easy answer here... but I think that’s a great setup to create drama and tension in the story. 


Tim: I don't agree that their house being destroyed would make her even angrier.  
The Greys saw the attack and saw the X-Men fight them off. If the X-Men 
weren't there, the Sentinel would likely have killed the Greys. The house is 
gone, but they are all alive - her perspective would change with such a big a 
event, and she might have been relieved just to have her family survive such a 
traumatic event. There is nothing like a brush with death to give us 
Me: We were actually given a scene with Jean's mom where she blames the X-Men for the destruction of her home -- so I was reacting to that. I agree, it's possible a brush with death could change one's perspective -- but there hasn't been a scene showing that major emotional shift in Elaine -- so that explanation is only speculation. That's a big character leap to happen "offscreen" imho. That said, it's a possible answer -- so we'll see!. 


Tim: We also know her husband doesn't agree with her - they are divided on the X-
Men. Her anger is at a moment of high emotion, but the reality is that Jean has 
a LONG history with the X-Men and there were clearly high points that helped 
her. The Greys have a long and complex relationship with Xavier's school.  
When Jean is found, they very well may have had a debate about where to go 
for help, but I bet it was a short discussion - taking her to the X-Men would be 
their only option. Reed Richards is brilliant, but Xavier is the authority on 
mutant research. They have the facilities to do this to the point that Reed 
would defer to Xavier's team.  
Me: Again, scenes we've been given -- Elaine openly tells the X-Men she doesn't trust them (they've been lying about the nature of their school), and that the X-Men are responsible for stripping Jean's future away from her. My Reed Richards suggestion was along these lines -- imagine if a doctor had been treating your child with no success... and on top of that, you blamed the doctor for your child's horrible condition! Would you keep allowing that doctor to treat your child? I sure as hell wouldn't! 


Tim: And on top of that, Jean probably insisted on going there. While Jean is still 
childlike, Scott seems to be the one she mainly trusts, so she is most 
comfortable sticking to him like glue. You're not going to tear her away from 
Scott without causing further trauma to what is effectively a child's mind.
Me: Again, Elaine blames Scott and the X-Men for the mental state of her daughter... so giving her access to the person who has supposedly caused her child harm... saying they won't "tear her away from Scott" is too easy an answer imho... if nothing else, there would be an emotional struggle with that option... and perhaps we'll see some of that moving forward. 


Tim: For me, Mrs. Grey's reaction fits into how mutants are perceived in the Marvel 
Universe by civilians. In this world, they are looked upon with fear and scorn, 
until they save people's lives. Mrs. Grey is echoing those feelings of fear and 
scorn at her lowest moments. The fact that her daughter is a mutant and she 
would go off like that speaks to their longtime relationship and complex 
feelings. They probably just want their daughter to be normal, and that is the 
internal and external conflict that each mutant faces.
Me: I completely, agree with that -- which is why I feel some of your earlier answers are much too easy. It's a complex situation. As I said, I'm curious to read more and see where the story goes! I'm always on the side of relatable and emotionally believable storytelling :)

It’s fun talking about this stuff! 

Best! :) 

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