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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133970
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 10:50am | IP Logged | 1
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Hit a complex point in 14. Lots of threads coming together. So I decided to clear my brain and jump ahead to 15 for a bit. Ended up finishing the whole issue. Three pages a day!Something to be said for being stuck at home!
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Paul Wills Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 18 August 2018 Location: United States Posts: 920
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 10:57am | IP Logged | 2
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Three pages a day is insane! You haven't lost speed even though it seems you're doing a bit more with shading and detail.
Edited by Paul Wills on 21 May 2020 at 12:12pm
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Michael Genitempo Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 04 July 2019 Location: United States Posts: 428
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 11:14am | IP Logged | 3
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I didn't say anything about an "omission".
Well, the advice might apply to whatever it is you had forgotten that was very important, in that you might be able to go back and add or alter something in previous issues in support of it... depending how far reaching the forget was...
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James Johnson Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 March 2009 Location: United States Posts: 2192
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 11:15am | IP Logged | 4
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I guess when you don't have corporate editors dictating, you are free to go about your own pace.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133970
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 11:39am | IP Logged | 5
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Three a day used to be my standard. Back in the original run on X-MEN I’d start at 8, get two pages penciled by noon, and get back to the drawingboard for a 1 to 4 shift that produced a single page. (Yes, I slowed down in the afternoon!)
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Brian Miller Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 28 July 2004 Location: United States Posts: 31451
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 11:45am | IP Logged | 6
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You should've had that 2 pm Dr Pepper.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 133970
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 12:41pm | IP Logged | 7
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I was still in Canada then. The good Doctor was not available where I lived!
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Steven Queen Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 28 February 2020 Location: United States Posts: 955
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 1:45pm | IP Logged | 8
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That image of the left-most panel has got to be the single most dynamically powerful display of Cyclops' power ever put to paper.
...and a resounding "yes" to the earlier poster who said your Scott Summers is showing a most awesome homage to Neal Adams'.
Bravo! I adore today's page.
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Brian Miller Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 28 July 2004 Location: United States Posts: 31451
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 3:00pm | IP Logged | 9
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No Dr Pepper in Canada? Good lord!
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Peter Martin Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 17 March 2008 Location: Canada Posts: 16068
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 5:50pm | IP Logged | 10
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Great idea to have that optic blast running down the whole of the left of the page in an open panel. Gives the blast space to breathe.
The Dr Pepper talk seems apt. Mess with Phoenix/What's the worst that could happen?
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Tim O Neill Byrne Robotics Security
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 10952
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 8:20pm | IP Logged | 11
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Joel: "When would they have had any debate? The Greys didn't take her to the X-Men. When Jean was found, she was found by Cyclops and Wolverine. So of course those two would have taken her back to the mansion given her startling condition. Presumably they then alerted the Greys to what was going on with her and had them come over to the mansion."
That's a good point, Joel - they would have had little choice. When I wrote my comments, I was thinking the Greys would have had the option to keep her there or pull her out when they arrived. She is technically still disabled, so Jean is under their care just as when she was as a kid. But now that you point it out, their hand is kind of forced since the X-Men found her and they were likely already running tests when the Greys arrived.
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Tim O Neill Byrne Robotics Security
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 10952
Posted: 21 May 2020 at 9:19pm | IP Logged | 12
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Nathan, reading through the scenes again, I think you are spot on. Elaine is directly stating her blame and feelings more that I recalled. It's all there - her feelings were even harder than I remembered. What I was keying off is also there - it's not a direct statement, but it's the Greys being grabbed by the Sentinel, who starts starts to fly away with them. Wonder Man is able to shake them loose in the air, but he isn't able to grab them - they fall a signifiant distance before Vision catches them.
That's the traumatic experience that I thought would turn Elaine to be more accepting after they survived, but that isn't there in the book. I think I filled in more on my own! I like to think I know this part of the Marvel Universe, but this series keeps zigging and zagging into areas I don't expect.
One interesting thing to note - it's two Avengers who save the Greys. They scream for Wolverine's help, but the screams tip off the Sentinel and he doesn't make a dent. So the Greys may have even more reason to hate the X- Men since they had nothing to do with their rescue!
I'm still not fully seeing how they would go to Reed Richards. I think I see your point - our personal experience would lead us to change doctors. But this is such a unique situation that they would defer to the authority on mutants and their negative feelings would be swept aside. It is complex - I don't know what will happen.
I so appreciate your response - I really enjoy deep dives into these stories, and it's fun to go back and take a look at the quieter moments. I confess my strongest memories of these scenes is the epic fights and the thrill of the brawl, but these emotional moments are such an essential part of good comic books.
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