Posted: 30 September 2020 at 12:14pm | IP Logged | 5
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Hi Jonathan, I'm not sure if my comments on your question will be helpful or not, but since Mr. Byrne indicated he didn't have anything to add to it, I thought I'd share since I distinctly recall thinking about this way back when I first read this issue - i.e. when it first was published back in 1980.
As a reminder, the page you were citing was from X-Men #138 during a flashback Scott was running through in his mind while standing over the grave of Jean. The top two panels precede a panel that covers issues 32-38, because 39 is when they get their new costumes as depicted in the bottom panel of the page.
I recall at the time finding the reprint versions of the Juggernaut story (originally presented in 32-33, reprinted in issues 80 and 81) in a used book store right around the same time these issues came out; this was before the first comic book direct market store opened in my area.
Issue 32 has a sequence that mirrors pretty closely with the scene of Scott and Jean walking together, although obviously they were dressed differently, and the conversation they have doesn't entirely play out the same way, but I always interpreted this clip from 138 as like an add-on to that same scene from 32, because the next paragraph of text on the following panel clarifies that the two panels from 138 take place right before Professor X is kidnapped by Factor Three, which happens right at the end of that Juggernaut story in issue 33.
Yes, I know it was pretty anal of me even as a kid to look for these sorts of connections between new issues and older ones, but that was part of the fun of continuity back in those days, before the MCU (and most of the creators) stopped really caring about connections like this.
Anyway, hope it helps clarify.