Whenever I draw Nightcrawler I find myself thinking of something Roger Stern said when we were starting up on CAPTAIN AMERICA. "He's built like Superman, but he moves like Spider-Man."
Kurt's acrobatics are in a realm somewhere between those two, also. Not quite flight, but more than just jumping around.
I've been thinking about those secondary abilities of the X-Men coming from training as opposed to their mutant power: made me rethink so much of their character, like Scott's strategic/tactical skills. I guess Kurt's athletic abilities fall under the same banner. Although I suspect the anatomy of his extremities helps somewhat :)
Kurt, as noted many times before, is a grab-bag of powers and abilities, very much at odds with the original concept of Marvel mutants. Virtually everything he does comes from some aspect of his powers. His training (in the circus and with the X-Men) has, to borrow a line from Harry Mudd, basically given him more of what he already had.
Great transition from dead alternate Kurt to our Kurt today – I got the distinct impression of someone stepping on his grave! I wish I could feel worried for this Magneto, but he deserves whatever Doom has in mind for him.
Edited by Richard Stevens on 23 November 2021 at 7:53am
Kurt's power is line of sight teleportation. Altho he has occasionally risked jumping into areas he cannot see--closed rooms, for instance--his preference is to know where he is going.
In a city environment like Manhattan, he'd probably travel faster with his acrobatics and "wall crawling" abilities.
As to range, couple of miles at a shot, I think. (Going back to Len's intent, without Chris' pseudo-science layered in.)
Thoughts on Magneto's redemption post your exodus? When I was reading it I had mixed feelings, like Jean had to die but Magneto gets reformed? Having said that I believe in redemptive narratives in real life, so go figure.
Thanks, JB. A couple of miles -- wow, that's impressive. Manhattan is roughly 13 miles north to south. As long as Kurt had a good line of sight, he could then traverse the island pretty darned quickly... presuming he only wanted to do just that, building top to building top, instead of working through the cityscape.
Just one more question: how many long-distance BAMFS in a row would tire him out?
I'm asking because it's interesting to me how comicbook creators must even in this world of fantasy have some internal logic operating. Otherwise, Nightcrawler might be BAMFING from New York to Florida, no sweat.
Thoughts on Magneto's redemption post your exodus? When I was reading it I had mixed feelings, like Jean had to die but Magneto gets reformed? Having said that I believe in redemptive narratives in real life, so go figure.
Question of scale. A mass murderer like Magneto really shouldn’t get off with an “Oops, my bad!” no matter how “cool” everyone has decided he is.
If he wants to be redeemed, let’s start with him going to prison for a few hundred years!