If Logan got cancer (almost anywhere), amputation would definitely be an option.
Ah, but as we are seeing here, he would not regrow what had been amputated. His bones are not healing.
His bones being adamantium replacements, regeneration would not be a problem. Huge amounts of cancerous tissue (and a surrounding buffer of unaffected cells) could be surgically excised and simply allowed to grow back around or within his skeleton.
X-Men Annual 11 answers this when Wolverine turns up late one night drunk, and says he can get drunk, but the alcohol is a poison that will be neutralised by the morning.
What I dug from a storytelling/character-building standpoint from way-back-when was the depiction of him drinking and smoking and seeing it simply as a reflection of his rambunctious character, never recognizing until later revealed that it was (at least partly) a consequence of, well, there being no consequences from them for him :)
X-Men Annual 11 answers this when Wolverine turns up late one night drunk, and says he can get drunk, but the alcohol is a poison that will be neutralised by the morning.