Hey, circling back to Pixie, did you ever have any other plans to bring back any of the Lost Generation characters anywhere? (Pixie and Black Fox's issue in that series was amazing!)
Strangely I view those examples differently, as their 'turning good' occurred relatively swiftly within each of their overall story narratives (so much so that one may be forgiven for perceiving it was the intent from their very beginnings), as opposed to (for example) Magneto, or Juggernaut who had decades of established history as bad guys before their polar sea-change of character. Or perhaps is down to how competently each specific character's situation was handled by the writer at the time.
Wanda and Pietro are a special circumstance. Magneto was unapologetically evil, and the Scarlet Witch was in his service reluctantly. Quicksilver was there to protect his sister, not because he supported Magneto’s goals. (Tho he probably came closer than Wanda ever did!)
Mr. Byrne, I was wonder if you would please share your ideas for how the Scott/Phoenix story-line was going to proceed. I had zero expectation or intuition about it and am genuinely curious.
I managed to ration this out so long that I only finished it today.
Belated thanks for a fun ride, JB. You outlasted all the lockdowns, which was really a nice pick-me-up during those odd days. Great to spend some time with proper versions of so many favourite characters.
Now that JB pointed it out to me I see how digital colorists have gone back and ruined some older reprints. The "new school" hacky coloring is just awful! They've even messed up poor Neal Adam's recent Batman work like a two-year old's coloring book. Yikes!
Edited by Steven Queen on 16 November 2022 at 3:59pm
New toys are always BETTER. They must be used and used and overused. Remember color holds? Blacks knocked out in color whether appropriate or not. (Somehow people forgot that BLACK is stronger than color, especially for line work.)
The advent of computer coloring only made it worse.