Posted: 10 October 2024 at 12:45pm | IP Logged | 3
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I'm pretty sure I didn't link to a Heritage Foundation web page directly, just those short little Peter Onge videos (I enjoy his sarcasm). I see he has Heritage Foundation connections, but that's not enough for me to turn a deaf-ear to everything he says. We are (not yet!) an Orwellian nation where non-party members must be silenced.
In his defense, I have heard a few things from Dr. Onge that later were confirmed by mainstream, left-learning media sources---often NPR, which I consume daily during the car ride to work.
Here's another link to a site that tries to breakdown the math that explains the discrepancy between the 31K and 785K numbers which is due to year-to-date corrections by the Beaurea of Labor Stats (BLS).
I admit I don't watching BLS reports and do the math myself, so I can't say I've personally caught them fudging numbers. However, I do recall the Federal Reserve of Philly claims to have on at least one occasion. I certainly do not put it above the current regime to play politics with statistics, and that's probably the big mental divide at work here---I operate from a place of low-trust of the state, having seen enough false propaganda over the years.
For example, I was rather upset to learn that the COVID vaccine (I received) was not a traditional vaccine, but instead mRNA gene therapy with permanent consequences for myself and my children. mRNA tech was sitting on the shelf, and known to have some serious flaws, but received rapid approval because of the pandemic---corporate greed and regulation-institutional capture playing its part in the decision. For me, Medical trust was broken, I felt misled (no informed consent), and I realized doctors can also be political pawns. They got added to my mental "watch list".
As partisans, we are all more likely to believe good things about "our team", and discard the bad as misinformation. Regardless of where you fall, I think it's a mistake to discard our responsibility as citizens in a democracy and not to remain skeptical of those in power. It's an important feedback mechanism that checks totalitarians. Free speech, even if it's the freedom to spout what others doubt (or knee-jerk denounce as lies), is essential to make sure we are not being led down the prim-rose path to our own exploitation. It's hard and uncomfortable, but necessary. The number of "conspiracy theories" that turn out later to be publicly acknowledged as "true" is not an insignificant percentage. Someone has to be outside the Overton window for awhile, before it starts to move.
As a free citizen, I should have access to all the information. Some will turn out to be true, and some false---and much a mixed-bag. It's on me to avoid getting fooled and find sources I trust. I don't need (or want) a "Big Brother" protecting me from ideas---especially when it's not actually a real relative of mine, but often some giant money-printing/laundering machine of the well-connected.
That said, if you have info on why Dr. Onge is an unreliable source other than guilt-by-association (although I already know some of his biases & can compensate), I'd be thankful for the tip. Experience suggests that it's a mistake of hubris to assume that everyone on the "other team" has zero talent or wits.
If sharing these counter-narrative datum is objectionable on this site, I will desist. This is, after all, a JB fan site (I have always truly loved his work!) and not a debate society. I am clearly rubbing against the communal grain. I got the blunt message already about speaking out about favored/unfavored political candidates, but can steer clear of counter-narrative economics as well. To be up-front about it, having all you "lefties" attack me seemed a good way to make sure I'm not just in an political echo-chamber.
Edited by Steven Queen on 10 October 2024 at 2:01pm