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John Byrne

Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 10 March 2025 at 6:02pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

If you get the chance, check out the EVOLUTION store in SoHo.
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Brian Floyd
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Posted: 10 March 2025 at 6:26pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I've been through (ie, didn't stop) New York City before, and if I ever went close to Yankees Stadium, it would just be to spit on the place. 

I want to see the Statue of Liberty eventually. 
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Dave Kopperman
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Posted: 10 March 2025 at 8:18pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Since I've lived pretty much my entire life 20 minutes north of NYC, I have a typical New Yorker's egocentric disconnect on this thread - it just feels weird to think about visiting NYC as a thing people have to PLAN for.

I would say, Jim, that you should also set a little time aside to visit a museum, as New York is pretty much second to nowhere else on Earth when it comes to it. The Whitney (as I mentioned upthread) is great, and its position right at the end of the High Line park (which you really oughta check out) is convenient. Whitney is pretty slim, though, and its benefit usually lies in what exhibits they have up - the Edward Hopper one from a couple of years back was fucking awesome, for example, and the Biennial (when it's on) is at least pretty interesting.

But, seriously: the Met, MOMA, Frick, Guggenheim, etc. Any one of those is a cultural landmark for a reason. And the 'secondary' museums are also all worth consideration: the Cloisters, the Society of Illustrators, any number of cultural specific ones.  And of course Natural History/Hayden.
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Jean Voulis
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 12:05am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

I love the Midtown comics Times Square location - great store.

KEENES steakhouse is over 100 years old and is worth a visit for a good steak if that's your thing.
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Harry Dounis
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 1:57am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Keens Steakhouse, Mc Sorley's, Lucali, John's of Bleeker Street and Patsy's in Harlem. Evolution used to be better at the earlier location but still a good diversion. The museums are alway a good time too. Try to take in a show if possible, the venues are incredible. Forbidden Planet was one of my haunts when in the "City". Mylos, Le Bernardin are amazing but they cost...
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Dave Kopperman
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 3:08am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

My stores were Forbidden Planet and the rather amazing St. Mark’s, both now gone. Midtown Comics is a solid store, but nothing I’d necessarily take time away from other things NYC has to offer to visit.

EDITED TO ADD: St. Mark’s moved way out in Brooklyn and I haven’t been to the new location, so I can’t speak to it being worth a trip.

Edited by Dave Kopperman on 11 March 2025 at 3:13am
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Jim Lynch
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 11:00am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I’ve scribbled them all down.
Our first night there were seeing Moulin Rouge (not my choice, but, hey…) at the Hirschfeld Theatre. Very close by is the Playwright Celtic pub I may have to duck into.
The next day we’re planning on the Statue of a liberty / Ellis Island, 9/11 memorial, maybe Empire State. After that…

JB, Evolution is definitely on the list.
Dave Kopperman: we are doing the High Line at some point, and I want to see every museum you mentioned; but, and I want to be diplomatic, my wife is not a museum person. We once saw three Smithsonian museums in a single afternoon. So I might get lucky enough to see the Natural History museum, because it was in the Night at the Museum films. 
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Ryan Maxwell
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 12:19pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

After a lifetime of never visiting NYC, we’ve been twice in the last two years and are planning a fall trip this year. We’ve fallen in love with it. 

All great suggestions.  In December, we did a walking food and history tour of Little Italy. The guide was fabulous and the food samples were outstanding.  The NY Public Library (free) is in the middle of everywhere and the Polonsky Exhibition has some gems. The original Winnie the Pooh animals, Washington’s Final Address, a Gutenberg bible, a copy of the Declaration of Independence, and more. 
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Dave Kopperman
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 1:25pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Depending on how far into the other boroughs you'd like to stray, I find the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to be a truly special place - preferable (to me) to the more famous New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx. Only issue is there's really not a whole heck of a lot of other things near it. Would be worth a visit if you have extra time and/or were actually staying in Brooklyn.
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Edward Aycock
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 1:54pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

I lived up in Morningside Heights for 17 years before moving to Brooklyn and it's worth seeing if you have a chance.  I know a lot of people not familiar with the city hear "110th Street" and they think, "That's far!"  But really, it does not take all that long on the 1 train.  Heck, it seems like a quick jump compared to where I am in Brooklyn.

The Seinfeld Diner- Tom's Restaurant- is at 112th and Broadway.  Columbia's main gates are at 116th and Broadway and I have to say that Koronet Pizza at 111th and Broadway is a favorite.  

And Riverside Drive is beautiful for a stroll.  

Also, back down in Hell's Kitchen is the Irish bar Scallwags on Ninth Avenue and Kathleen and Rose are great bartenders.  
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 2:09pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

My favorite place in the world. I’d move there today if my wife would let us.
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Edward Aycock
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Posted: 11 March 2025 at 4:25pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Oh, and you do not want to spend all day and a lot of money in line waiting for a ferry to Liberty island.  What you want to do is take the Staten Island Ferry (it's free!)and it goes right past the statue in both directions.  
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