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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 19 July 2007 at 1:29pm | IP Logged | 1
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I guess this means the "mint" version's the bent one!
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Steve Reaper Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 130
Posted: 21 July 2007 at 2:29pm | IP Logged | 2
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For those of you who are interested I have updated the figurine list ( up to 100 or so) and also have images of my new Nick Fury, Hawkeye and the upcoming 150mm GALACTUS super special.
it's alll on my website.
Gil, I went into GW today and noticed that there is a Golden Yellow paint too.
Edited by Steve Reaper on 21 July 2007 at 2:35pm
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Gerry Turnbull Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: Scotland Posts: 8766
Posted: 21 July 2007 at 3:14pm | IP Logged | 3
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the galactus is very good!
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Gil Dowling Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 03 June 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1087
Posted: 22 July 2007 at 7:23am | IP Logged | 4
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Steve Reaper wrote: Gil, I went into GW today and noticed that there is a Golden Yellow paint too.
Thanks, Luckily I have both of those colors. I painted Strange the other night with Sunburst but it's a little too yellow. I tried doing a Black wash, then dry brushed with black, but both did not look good, Looking at the Golden Yellow, it looks like a better match. When I get some time later today I will try it.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 22 July 2007 at 8:09am | IP Logged | 5
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That's one HUNGRY Galactus!
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 25 July 2007 at 7:05am | IP Logged | 6
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As my addiction ----- I mean, my collection grows, I find myself casting an analytical eye on the figures. Some interesting -- and perhaps odd, choices are being made for poses.I'm guessing these are not all being sculpted by one artist, and I wonder how much the pose is determined by the sculptor. Several of the figures are in "action" poses -- Colossus, Phoenix, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, for instance -- while so far the bulk are simply in standing poses. It strikes me as an odd choice that the Panther is is a cool "hunting crouch" while Spider-Man and Nightcrawler are standing up straight. Colossus and Juggernaut are dramatically posed, while the Thing is posed almost casually. I wonder what the thinking is behind the selection of who stands how?
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Gil Dowling Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 03 June 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1087
Posted: 25 July 2007 at 7:38am | IP Logged | 7
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I certainly can't speak for any of the sculptors but some of the poses are taken straight from existing images, such as the Mystique. Other than that, I'd say it's probably up to the sculptor, subject to approval by someone at Marvel most likely.
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Gil Dowling Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 03 June 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1087
Posted: 25 July 2007 at 7:41am | IP Logged | 8
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BTW - I touched up my Dr. Strange. The Golden Yellow was definitely a better match than the Sunburst. You can tell the paint is a slightly different hue than than the original paint, but it's close. I debated just repainting both gloves, and still may do so, but for now I'll leave it. Oh, I also wanted to paint the 'leopard' spots on the gloves but decided against it.
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Ray Brady Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 3740
Posted: 25 July 2007 at 7:04pm | IP Logged | 9
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Nightcrawler stands up way too often these days. As far as I'm concerned, he should always be crouched.
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Steve Gumm Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 10 May 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1471
Posted: 02 August 2007 at 7:40am | IP Logged | 10
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I'm hooked! I'm up to 15, and I'm pretty tight with my money!
Here's my list:
Invisible Girl Thing Captain America Daredevil Spider-man Green Goblin Magneto Colossus Nightcrawler Wolverine Phoenix Angel Doctor Doom Storm Thor
Edited by Steve Gumm on 22 August 2007 at 9:30pm
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Dave Powell Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 14 November 2006 Posts: 588
Posted: 02 August 2007 at 8:12am | IP Logged | 11
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Just pulled up a currency converter, 12.00 is cheapest I've found in US, and they're about half that in the UK. But there's good news! My wife is from Scotland, so I can just have my sister-in-law order them all and ship them to me... mwahahahah They will be mine, oh yes, they WILL be mine.
I knew marrying a Glaswegian would pay off some day.
Edited by Dave Powell on 02 August 2007 at 8:13am
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Steve Gumm Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 10 May 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1471
Posted: 02 August 2007 at 8:18am | IP Logged | 12
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Good thinking Dave! There are some borderline ones I'd definitely buy if they were $6. Such as Gambit, Iceman, Loki, etc...
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