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Paul Wills Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 18 August 2018 Location: United States Posts: 920
Posted: 06 May 2019 at 12:57pm | IP Logged | 1
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It would be like Jack Kirby drawing a bunch of issues of Fantastic Four and Marvel not printing it.
Edited by Paul Wills on 07 May 2019 at 3:40pm
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Richard Palmgren Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 31 May 2009 Location: United States Posts: 328
Posted: 07 May 2019 at 11:18am | IP Logged | 2
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Since it's around the same time of year that Alpha Flight #1 was released in 1983, how bout a sneak peek at Mac and Heather from Elsewhen?
(I know it's a stretch but I was just missing them this week)
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 09 May 2019 at 9:49am | IP Logged | 3
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The stammering and stalling and general dropping of the ball by Marvel is a great frustration. After all, they approached me, remember. I’m not even working for them and I feel myself sinking into the same old 5H17. And remember, their first date for the release was MAY!!
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Sebastien Herve Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 10 March 2019 Location: France Posts: 49
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 10:07am | IP Logged | 4
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Frustration totally shared by the members of this forum, I confirm it !
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Paul Wills Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 18 August 2018 Location: United States Posts: 920
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 10:39am | IP Logged | 5
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I would imagine Marvel would be chompin' at the bit for this - several issues already finished (plotted written and drawn!) by one of the greats with a built-in fan base, AND the X-men?!I had heard stories about the old days where Marvel would hire someone because they were fast enough to meet deadlines - not even necessarily if you were any good. Maybe different priorities today?
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Philippe Negrin Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 01 August 2007 Location: France Posts: 2643
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 11:30am | IP Logged | 6
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Unbelievable. They are THAT out of the loop.
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Nathan Greno Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 20 April 2006 Location: United States Posts: 9154
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 11:52am | IP Logged | 7
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JB: The stammering and stalling and general dropping of the ball by Marvel is a great frustration. After all, they approached me, remember. I’m not even working for them and I feel myself sinking into the same old 5H17.
Just curious...
1) Has Marvel seen all of the issues you have drawn so far? If "yes", have you gotten any feedback on the pages?
2) Is IDW still a possibilty if Marvel passes on publishing?
3) Has there been any talk of inkers -- have any samples been done? Just wondering how far along things have gotten to making this book a reality...
I'm very perplexed why Marvel wouldn't be moving forward on this, but I'm not in the comics biz... so maybe there are factors I don't understand.
Thank you for your answers.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134004
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 12:01pm | IP Logged | 8
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1) CB has seen them and said he loved them. 2) Marvel has squelched IDW doing it. 3) Nothing.
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Matt Hawes Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 16557
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 1:09pm | IP Logged | 9
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This is crazy. I think Marvel is missing out on a big opportunity here. If promoted correctly, this series could be huge. For most X-Men fans, the two best eras of the team was the Jim Lee era (which also coincides with the animated series), and the Byrne and Claremont era. Most of the classic X-men stories stem from those two periods. And the lineups of both those periods are also the best remembered.
I hope it works out.
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Manuel Soler Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 05 February 2011 Location: Spain Posts: 211
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 1:12pm | IP Logged | 10
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Perhaps Marvel is looking for the pertect time.For example, next year is the 40th Anniversary of the Dark Phoenix Saga, so Marvel may want to tie-in Elsewhen with the celebration or sell the series as the story that everybody has been waiting to see for 40 years! Also the X-Men franchise has suffered a recent relaunch with a new Uncanny X-Men, a new X-Force, the return of Cyclops and Wolverine,... so perhaps Marvel didn't want a new title, Elsewhen, posibly eclipsing Uncanny X-Men in sales/popularity.
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Matt Hawes Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 16557
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 1:24pm | IP Logged | 11
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If Marvel is waiting for anything, one would think that JB would be kept in the loop, instead of leaving him hanging.
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Dale E Ingram Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 01 July 2015 Location: United States Posts: 75
Posted: 09 May 2019 at 2:00pm | IP Logged | 12
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It could be timing that is causing them to hem and haw.
- They just relaunched Uncanny X-Men, and X-Force in December.
- In January, they started doing a much hyped line wide alternate universe story that's running in several books until June
- In July, they're gearing up for what looks to be Jonathan Hickman taking over the X-Books
- They're doing this Major X miniseries that I think has been in the works for awhile now
It could be not just that they don't want to put out Elsewhen and have it take away from what's going on in the core titles, but also that they don't want to put Elsewhen out now, when they have a lot of other brand new stuff happening in the core books, and have it get lost in the middle of all this other stuff that they've been working towards for awhile now.
Maybe they're trying to find the right spot in their publishing plan so the book gets a fair shot. At least, I hope that's the case.
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