Say - Allow me to geek out for a moment, but this cover has a May '85
publication date, which meant back then the book hit the stands in
January of that year. But notice the date on right on the cover - was this
cover really done that close to deadline??
If it had a May publication date it meant it probably went on sale in March
since back then the month on the cover was three months ahead of sale
date. I don't remember it ever being five months.
If it had a May publication date it meant it
probably went on sale in March
since back then the month on the cover was three months ahead of sale
date. I don't remember it ever being five months.
Trust me - May issues came out in January. I was a very obsessed comic
buying kid at that time so I remember these things :) For proof, look at an
April covered issue, you'll see a copyright from the previous year, since it
actually hit the stands in December.
This amount of leeway ended in the summer of 1989 - when they started
releasing "Late {month}" Cover dates to try to "catch up" to the new
system. I don't know when the Jan/May relationship started though - I'm
curious to know myself though!