How did that page of X-Men#141 end up without any lettering on the board?
The issue was late, so the lettering was done on overlay, in order that Terry could ink it without having to wait for lettered pages.
This was a fairly common practise in those days. It was a way of ensuring that even when portions of the job fell off-schedule -- in this case, the scripting -- the books would still ship on time.
I should just dig the book out -- I can't remember the title. It was a thick soft cover that had every comic artist profile you could imagine and a number of examples of their work (in B&W). JB wrote one of the intros for the book -- "How I Do What I Do" -- or something like that. Jack Kirby might have written the other intro? The book has Spawn on the cover. It's a cool little book. About the size of a comic -- but MUCH thicker. It was well over a hundred pages.