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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 22 April 2019 at 6:50am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Paul, glad to hear you are enjoying the LePen. I would hate to suggest something that didn't work for you. They are tough to find and I think the best way to get them is to order online. Machines are all done with french curves and straight edges. I also angle the contact between the pen and the edge to give slight variations to the line or to beef up a line's thickness ever so slightly. It's funny you commented on speed because I wish I was faster, but I feel like I would make a good inker assistant at this point. Filling blacks, doing backgrounds and the occasional small figure is about all the consistency I have right now. My favorite part of this page is that tiny Wolverine figure that fits into a half inch by half inch space.
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Ted Pugliese
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Posted: 22 April 2019 at 7:03pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

My friend Bob Petrecca (Marvel & DC Comics) inked this
X-Men: Elsewhen page for me. Sorry about the photo. I
have a nice PDF scan, but I'm pretty sure we can only
post JPEGS here, so I took this with my camera phone.

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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 23 April 2019 at 3:09am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

Nice one, Ted. I saw Joe Rubinstein has inked a few pages as well. He is posting them on his website soon along with the unused Captain America pages. It will be interesting to see how many professional inkers do some Elsewhen pages to learn from them.
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Ted Pugliese
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Posted: 24 April 2019 at 5:38pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Rubinstein inked the same page as mine, so that's

I wanted a page with most of the team on it, and since
I do not think I am going to be able to afford one of
these pages, and since JB was ok with people inking
them, this one is mine.

Bob even used an actual Marvel Comics page to ink it
on, but part of me wishes he would have printed the
pencils/blue lines on the Marvel side. Would have
looked cooler to me, but I think I understand why he
didn't. Regardless, it's mine :-)
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Darren Taylor
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Posted: 01 May 2019 at 2:55am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Nice one Ted! 
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Geoffrey Langford
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Posted: 03 May 2019 at 4:31am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

on a tangent -- but Joe Rubinstein has posted inked pages from the never published Cap # 256

I'm surprised there isn't a thread here with pictures.  I'd love to see him on some of these XMen pages.
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 03 May 2019 at 6:58am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Geoffrey, three posts above yours I mentioned Joe Rubinstein's website and work on the unreleased Cap pages. He did actually ink Elsewhen page(s) for release on his website.
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Geoffrey Langford
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Posted: 03 May 2019 at 8:00am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

I can't find any ELSEWHEN pages at Joe's web site.  Is there a link?
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 10 May 2019 at 2:11pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

Geoffrey, when he posts it will most likely be done via the "Inked Before and After" section of his website, but I don't see it yet.

I finally got the blacks filled in on this one:

This page is very challenging. I think I over rendered the foliage in the last panel and holy crap the Sentinel is tough to make look right. I'm also struggling with the metal effect JB is using on the Sentinels, but I will keep at it. I keep giving away pages until I ink one I want to keep. =)

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Paul Wills
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Posted: 10 May 2019 at 4:11pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Nice! I don't think you over-rendered the foliage (but then that's coming from me who tends to put in lots of foliage detail). My only request - is it possible to contrast the image a bit so it's more white? It tends to blend into the grey of the forum page.
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Eric Ladd
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Posted: 10 May 2019 at 4:43pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

Paul, I just take a photo of the page with my phone instead of scanning it since it has to be reduced to 600 pixels wide. Lots of detail gets lost in the mix so I tend to go the path of least resistance.Here are a couple of close ups with adjustments to white.

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Paul Wills
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Posted: 10 May 2019 at 7:28pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Yeah, that stands out much better. Great job! John Byrne has a knack for giving machines/robots expression. This is why I love him drawing Iron Man, Dr. Doom, etc.

Edited by Paul Wills on 10 May 2019 at 7:29pm
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