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Koroush Ghazi
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 1:52pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

 John Byrne wrote:
As Neal Adams said, there are no bad characters, only
bad writers.

Jar-jar Binks would disagree!

Edited by Koroush Ghazi on 04 March 2024 at 1:53pm
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John Byrne

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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 2:02pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

It wasn’t Binks’ fault he was so badly written!

Over the years there has been a recurring annoyance for me, in the form of fans who blame the characters for being poorly written. Sure, we’re supposed to ride along enjoying (or not) the characters as if they are real, but we need to remember they are not!

It was a curious dichotomy, I thought, that some readers would invest so much in the characters, fully embracing them as if they were living, breathing human beings, and yet, when something bad happened to them, knowing who to blame!

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Vinny Valenti
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 2:06pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

"It wasn’t Binks’ fault he was so badly written!"

I was about to ask if you ever intentionally took on a "bad character" with the intent of reversing that, but then a glaring example flashed in my brain: The Sentinels. I guess Wolverine would count in a way, also. Looking back on pre-you issues lately, I can see why the creative team (and the readers) wanted him gone.
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John Byrne

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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 2:11pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

It was Chris who insisted the Sentinels were lame, and we know what that led to!
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James Woodcock
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 2:43pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Jar Jar's execution on screen was poor.
But I maintain that the purpose of the character was to
create someone who was annoying to adults, but that kids
would love.
I also think that he was clearly to be annoying to the
characters in the film.
In that, the character was a success.
But we digress.

Edited by James Woodcock on 04 March 2024 at 2:44pm
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John Byrne

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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 3:34pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

Yes, Jar Jar was meant to be annoying. I just don’t think Lucas realized how successful he was going to be!
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 4:56pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

no bad characters, only bad writers

I used to hate Moondragon, although I think I was meant to, but she became a more multi-faceted favorite in that 'New' Defenders comic that also had Iceman and Angel. There's a comic that sold me via the writing because the art was fairly average (excepting all the guest covers of which there were many). It's fairly common on the British soaps for a new character to be introduced for instant conflict of some sort and then if they stick around they begin to develop real depth to where they might become one of the more sympathetic ongoing residents. No idea if that happens on U.S. soaps much outside Dark Shadows where the vampire Barnabas was spectacularly popular on introduction and had to be kept around, thus becoming more a reluctant vampire (pure gold then and apparently with some still today).
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Craig Earl
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 5:55pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

I can still remember when Star Wars Episode 1 came out. UK Breakfast TV hailed Jar-Jar as the undeniable star of the movie.

Not being a massive Star Wars fan, I'm not sure when I first heard the swell of negative opinions. These days it seems like everyone refers to Jar-Jar as the lowest point.

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Koroush Ghazi
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 6:50pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

I regret starting off a Binks thread drift; I was being facetious of course
when referencing poor Jar-jar - Neal Adams’ statement is 100% correct.
Most John Byrne fans would be familiar with the way JB’s history essentially
proves this point again and again.

An example from my own experience was the inclusion of She-Hulk in the
FF. I was not a happy camper when that happened, I can tell you! But i went
from disliking her to buying and enjoying the She-Hulk graphic novel
because of the depth JB gave the character.
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John Byrne

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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 6:58pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Maximum kudos to Roger Stern for his simple but brilliant take on She-Hulk: she LIKES being She-Hulk!

(And poop on later “talent” who made her lumpy and brutal. Hulk with boobs. Marvel: the House of Idea.)

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Michael Penn
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 8:08pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

I had unofficially quit reading comicbooks around the time JB first took over the FF. I hung around for a bit, the last issues I bought, just for JB's work. But losing the Thing from the team cemented my decision to drop the hobby altogether. Decades later... what a delight to discover what JB did with She-Hulk! 
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Ken Sun
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Posted: 04 March 2024 at 10:22pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

I liked JB's take on Namor the Sub Mariner. Can't wait for FF MCU to see a love triangle between him, Reed Richards for Sue. Imperius Rex!!!
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