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Topic: X-MEN.ELSEWHEN.12--Comments Post Reply | Post New Topic
Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 11:54am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Wow, I noticed the fingernails on Lilandra in that last panel (page 5). It fits in with the whole avian look; like atrophied bird's claws!

Also I can feel the luminosity of that cell holding the Phoenix entity... it's like a magic trick with a pencil. Magic being decades of working at something. :^)
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Rebecca Jansen
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 12:06pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

I've probably written too many times about how disappointing I found much of the X-Men from #144 onward. There were some highlights. I liked #151 & 152 pretty well; it had a solid basis in Kitty's parents transferring her to Emma Frost's academy, but Ms. Frost's recovery from the events in the early #130s still seemed too rapid (and Mastermind I'd have kept a vegetable for a long long time and certainly not play the exact same Jason Wyngarde ruse over again).

Remember in an early Defenders how a bunch of the evil mutants got turned into babies in the last panel? That's another not thought through development that had to be crudely explained away later when others wanted to use the characters again. So an idea implemented hastily perhaps and then the whole thing gets weakened to try to explain so people can have their cake again... best not to make permanent seeming changes in the first place if they won't stick to them better. I wouldn't even bother actually killing anyone of possible future value without a lot of set-up for the future worked out. Storm bitten by Dracula and being a vampire I'm not sure I ever did see the explaining away of. Professor Xavier seemed to go from can't walk to walk a few times too, but the first time when he had some kind of clone body and should have physically been able to but couldn't seemed to work well as a sub-plot.

Maybe all I'm saying is that Elsewhen is a big cake! :^)
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Vinny Valenti
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 12:54pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

"Also I can feel the luminosity of that cell holding the Phoenix entity... it's like a magic trick with a pencil. Magic being decades of working at something. :^)"


I'm sure that it's not unintentional that it reminds me of the "cocoon" from FF#286!
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John Byrne

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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 12:58pm | IP Logged | 4 post reply

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Wilson Mui
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 1:02pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

The pages this week have been amazing. I
love the alien technology.

Vinny, I was thinking the same thing!

Edited by Wilson Mui on 05 June 2020 at 1:02pm
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John Byrne

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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 1:50pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

The pages this week have been amazing.


I guess they must be distracting, at least, since there have been no complaints about a whole week with virtually no X-Men!!

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Doug Centers
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 2:18pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

No complaints from me. Actually I just went back and reread all of the Elsewhen Shi'ar pages, a good comic within itself!
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Jason Ladwig
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 4:16pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

JB I’d like to thank you for Elsewhen. At a time when the comic world is in flux, the news is never uplifting, it is nice to retreat to something so good. Why the modern comic world can’t learn from and build upon what their predecessors gave them, rather than restarting a series over and over, is beyond me.
Such a treat to return to old friends. Have a great weekend, can’t wait for next week!
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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 4:30pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

No complaints about the lack of mutants here! I love getting all this information and texturing of the Shi'ar. They're really solidly alien in this series.
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Rod Collins
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Posted: 06 June 2020 at 1:00am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

Vinny, with a nod from  JB, may have just solved something I'd been wondering about, which is how Lilandra and co. know that the real Jean is at the bottom of Jamaica Bay. 

Guess we'll find out more on Monday...
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Dean Munday
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Posted: 06 June 2020 at 7:34am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

I honestly cannot remember a time when I have looked forward to Mondays to this degree!
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James Johnson
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Posted: 07 June 2020 at 7:56am | IP Logged | 12 post reply


This past week pages has me thinking.

I wonder will this story play a part :

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