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Philippe Pinoli Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 03 September 2004 Location: France Posts: 1331
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 8:28am | IP Logged | 1
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My precious...
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Mark Haslett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 19 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6672
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 8:42am | IP Logged | 2
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Philippe: My precious...
We are not, all of us, made of the steel held within a certain Master of Bag End! Not even our galactic Empresses!
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Michael Genitempo Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 04 July 2019 Location: United States Posts: 428
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 8:51am | IP Logged | 3
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I wonder what Xavier would think of all this... Something like: "please, not again?"
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Mark McKay Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 2272
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 8:57am | IP Logged | 4
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Chris absolutely hated our resurrection of Jean Grey. Felt it damaged the Death of Phoenix story. The irony was, he'd revisited that particular well so many times--including using Dark Phoenix in the X-TITANS crossover!--that around the office she was called Marvel's least dead dead character! That was what made bringing Jean back possible. The Death of Phoenix had been so diluted we knew only a few readers would be likely to complain. Most would be glad just to have Jean back. (If I'd known what would subsequently be DONE with her, I would not have been so quick to bring her back!!) — Is it fair to say that he shared the same frustrations as you in other scenarios, in that a different editorial department was doing a story with an X-Men character?
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Richard Palmgren Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 31 May 2009 Location: United States Posts: 328
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 9:11am | IP Logged | 5
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As I'm gearing up for all things Jean and Phoenix, including reading Uncanny 108 a billion times and the Hidden Years Phoenix appearance, a quick question:
Had Hidden Years continued, would you have included more Phoenix appearances as The Phoenix stalked Jean?
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Michael Penn Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 12 April 2006 Location: United States Posts: 12841
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 9:13am | IP Logged | 6
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X-MEN #137 caught me by surprise. I did not expect Jean Grey to die. Can't be! I was a longtime reader with great affection for the (my) original X-Men.The finale had to be some way to save her. Had to! Can't doom one of the originals! Can they? They can! I will not deny that #137 was masterful. It surely was. A top issue of any comicbook, ever. But I felt like the X-men themselves and the comic itself were "damaged" after that. For me, irreparably, it turned out.
Of course, I'd not discerned any hint Phoenix and Jean Grey were different. Would I have accepted her return later? As it was explained. Yes. Sure. Jean Grey would be back! Unfortunately, since -- again, for me -- the X-MEN comicbook went quickly and majorly off the rails after JB left, by the time Jean did come back... eh, so what?
(Full disclosure: I'd long stopped reading comicbooks by that point. I only learned of how Jean came back decades after the fact.)
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James Woodcock Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 21 September 2007 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 8006
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 9:35am | IP Logged | 7
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Just noticed that today. Nice
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Vinny Valenti Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 17 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 8214
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 10:08am | IP Logged | 8
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Apparently Chris invented "Majestrix". I just Googled the term and the first match is Lilandra!
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Vinny Valenti Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 17 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 8214
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 10:13am | IP Logged | 9
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"Yeah, I remember that the "Uncanny X-Men" title took some time before even acknowledging that Jean Grey had returned."
I was just turning 12 years old at the time FF#286/X-FACTOR#1 came out. But even then I got a sense of the internal fighting of the creative teams, with as you mentioned, X-MEN seeming to bend waaaay over backwards to not acknowledge that Jean had returned. As a reader I could tell that the stalling was deliberate. It took 3 years! (Or in Claremontian Time, the average subplot).
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 05 June 2020 at 10:25am | IP Logged | 10
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Apparently Chris invented "Majestrix". I just Googled the term and the first match is Lilandra!••• One of the odder ones. Known for his “strong women,” Chris coins a feminized diminutive for Lilandra.
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Mark Haslett Byrne Robotics Member
Joined: 19 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 6672
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 11:00am | IP Logged | 11
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Michael: I will not deny that #137 was masterful. It surely was. A top issue of any comicbook, ever. But I felt like the X-men themselves and the comic itself were "damaged" after that. For me, irreparably, it turned out.
The accidental part of creating X-Men 137 is really interesting -- there really is little to accurately compare it to.
Something about being 12 issues into Elsewhen is really bringing that fact home to me.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134005
Posted: 05 June 2020 at 11:13am | IP Logged | 12
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The Death of Phoenix being an “accident” is something too many people forget. You really can’t wake up one morning thinking you’re going to pull off something like that. Sadly, too many people think they can do exactly that, and thus we end up with modern Marvel.
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