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Topic: X-MEN.ELSEWHEN.13--Comments Post Reply | Post New Topic
John Byrne

Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 03 August 2020 at 7:14am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Wow. Does the artist really have that level of autonomy?


"Autonomy" might not be the right word. There are many factors involved. Given the artist, the book was probably crowding its deadlines beyond human endurance, allowing no time for tweaking.

I had a similar experience with one young artist. Wrote a plot for him, which he completely misinterpreted. I was going for a dramatic story with a semi-humorous punchline. He turned it into a full-on comedy. There was no time to ask for it to be redrawn.

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Steven Queen
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Posted: 03 August 2020 at 6:18pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Thank you for sharing these peeks inside the industry. It's fascinating.
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 26 March 2021 at 2:11am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

I know we're not REALLY doing this, but I just realized that IF the issues of ELSEWHEN were numbered as following X-Men 137...

Then THIS incredible finale to the return of Dark Phoenix would have been the fabled Uncanny X-Men #150!!

I feel like this can't be just a coincidence.

I do feel so great about this series and so grateful for what feel like billions of details that are so right.

This counts, for me, as one more amazing sign that I did the right thing when I chose to keep an eye on what John Byrne does in comics. Some day that kid's gonna make it!

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John Byrne

Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 26 March 2021 at 6:21am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Then THIS incredible finale to the return of Dark Phoenix would have been the fabled Uncanny X-Men #150!!

I feel like this can't be just a coincidence.


But it was! I was amused when I noticed the correlation.

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Andrew Bitner
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Posted: 26 March 2021 at 6:46am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

All things come full circle, it seems... :)
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Mark Haslett
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Posted: 26 March 2021 at 12:57pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

JB: But it was! I was amused when I noticed the correlation.


In a way, this whole project is so unexpected and spontaneous that it is only
fitting that this correlation would be an accident.

But I was so so so blown away by the conclusion of the Phoenix story that I
could not have asked for more if Stan Lee himself had presented a "SHOCKING
150th ISSUE!!"
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John Byrne

Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 26 March 2021 at 1:06pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

Marvel Serendipity lives on in ELSEWHEN!
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John Byrne

Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 24 March 2022 at 10:11am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

Stumbled into a podcast discussing this issue. Sent me back to look at it. Hokey smokes! Almost two years since Wolverine got his brain cooked!
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Timothy Ewanyshyn
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Posted: 07 February 2025 at 10:40pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

It must be significant that the chest logo on Phoenix is much larger in the so-called present (pages 4 and following) than it appears in the flashback on pages 2 and 3.  Either that, or Phoenix is exercising prerogative for fashion decisions.

Paolo sure gave it to Logan in this chapter!  That cannot be good!

I cannot say how much I enjoy reading the comments on each chapter from JB and other readers.  It really enhances my enjoyment by fleshing out points that I might miss otherwise just from reading the story.
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